Saturday, September 13, 2008


So, Anna has her own personal photo album and we taught her everyones' names. She was sitting with her album in her lap today saying "this the mommy," "this the daddy," "this the baby (pointing to herself in the picture)." We could hardly believe it. In the mirror when we say "where's Anna?" she will now point to herself and laugh. She has also begun climbing into chairs with books and sitting and looking at them like a "big girl." We really do need to watch what we say and what we do because she is absorbing everything and bringing it back out when she is ready.

I had the highest of hopes of getting Anna outside to play all afternoon today and instead we have torrential rain and flooding. The forecast for rain goes well into the week. Tomorrow we are going to play in the rain.

Evan nearly rolled over today from his back to his tummy. He got all the way over and got stuck on his arm. I gave him a nudge and he made it over. He still does not like being on his belly, maybe because it is so big! :) We really do need to improve his sleeping arrangements now that he is beginning to roll over. The co-sleeper is not going to be safe much longer, not that he spends much time in it.... Perhaps he will one day sleep in his beautiful crib.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

uncle scott!

Uncle Scott and Beth came to visit for the weekend (Grandma B too!) and Uncle Scott became Anna's new favorite person, even trying to say his name. Beth is so very nice, and Anna completely ignored her like the little booger that she is sometimes. What can I say, she likes the men in the family. She drags her toy moose all over the house, takes it to Nancy's house every day, and sleeps with it almost every night.

I think my children are two of the most fascinating people around and I truly could spend all day watching them and playing with them. I love them both so much, but find every day that the way that interact is even more lovable. Evan just loves his big sister and always has a big smile for her. He reaches out for her and tries to grab her. She seems to like him too, and today I walked in to the living room while Evan was in the exersaucer. Anna had gotten out her hat and put it on Evan and was saying "Go outside" in her adorable little voice. I quickly got the camera and captured this (I have some video too, but it will need to be edited down before I post it):

Being back to work, our evenings are quite a rush of getting things done. As a result, Anna has not had much time to play outside after dinner. Last week, John was on his way back to work for Open House and Anna had a complete fit when he left. She desperately wanted to go outside. It was raining, and she was undressed (we had just finished pasta for dinner so she was in a diaper only). I tried to cheer her up playing with Evan's monkey shorts - monkeys are her latest thing. So she wore her baby brother's shorts, and yes, they fit. Well the screaming fit continued until I let her out on the deck, in the rain. She LOVED it. The neighbors probably think I am nuts, or unfit to parent.

Evan is becoming quite the funny man, but not the ham in front of the camera that Anna is. When he sees the camera coming, he turns on his thoughtful face. Here is a smiley face from last week.

Monday, September 1, 2008


It has been another busy weekend in the Badham family. Anna had her 18 month checkup on Friday. She weighs 22.25lbs and has gained 3lbs in the last 3 months! She is hanging steady at the 75th %ile for her height and her head circumference finally made it on the growth charts at the 10th %ile!!! Woo Hoo! I guess this is what you would call "catching up" although most kids her age would have trouble keeping up with her. Anna continually teaches us new things and while at the pediatrician we saw a new side of her. Dr. S. examined Anna (ears, nose, etc.) and Anna was SCREAMING. Then she needed to look at Anna's feet and Anna was KICKING Dr. S. We expressed our concerns about the walking/falling issue and Dr. S. wanted to see Anna walk. When we put Anna down on the floor she was in full MELTDOWN - screaming, yelling, sobbing, completely inconsolable. I finally got Anna to walk. Dr. S assured us that she doesn't think the walking on toes is a problem, just inexperience. Anna did tip and had to hold herself up on the wall, but again Dr. S. didn't think it was a problem. She did give us a referral to an orthopedic doctor. But as with most things, we noticed a huge improvement this weekend. She was "running" up and down the sidewalk without falling on Sunday.

Evan also gave us a surprise this weekend. He has TWO TEETH coming in. We can see the little white nubs and I can feel the points when I run my finger on his gums. In retrospect, he has been drooly (not more so than usual....), fussy (a little more than usual), and chewing on his fingers (that's pretty new). He was not nursing well on Saturday and Sunday and was waking a lot during the night to eat. But other than that, there were no dramatic signs of teething (compared to Anna's screaming and crying for hours during the night). More surprising is that the teeth are not the front teeth. They are on the sides on the bottom, like fangs. When you look at his upper gums they are swollen where the "fangs" would develop. He is going to look like a vampire. An adorable vampire.

School starts for John tomorrow. Thankfully I have another day to work in my room. My students start on Wednesday. It is a painfully busy week for us with evening commitments every evening until Friday. Calgon, take me away.