Friday, December 5, 2008

ho ho ho, not so merry

The car is finally fixed (3 weeks, 13 days in the shop), total repair bill $700+. Thanks Stan and Rob. Hobby-Dog is feeling better, total repair bill $330. Thanks Dr. Karen. Holiday spirit? Not so much. But after listening to the doom and gloom news, we are thankful for our health, our jobs, our beautiful children, and our meager savings in the bank. (On the news today: 533,000 jobs lost in America in November 2008 alone. The jobless rate in US is now over 10,000,000 and will likely get worse in 2009.)

Tomorrow Anna (& Evan?) will help decorate the tree. Pictures are sure to follow. I am very behind on uploading, my camera is full.

10 school days until holiday break. 16 blissful days off work to sleep past 5:45am.... It is hard for me to believe that I now think sleeping until 7am is sleeping in. Can I say that I miss being pregnant on bedrest? I think I napped until 9am every day. I don't miss being pregnant, but I miss the bedrest part of the deal. Not the confined to the house, stress and anxiety, too many dr appts part, just the "rest" part. Yes, definitely the "rest" part.

Evan goes in for his 9 month well baby check before Christmas. So we will find out if he is gaining weight now. My hunch says yes, his pants are getting tighter.

Welcome to the world Baby Allison and Baby Nia!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Finally catching up on some reading with Nia in my arms-thanks for the shout out! Blogs really help me catch up on some news! :-)